About Us
Our Mission
BMWC's mission is stemming out of our larger vision of the world where all consumers in their communities, respectively, and from all backgrounds are being supported to thrive.
BMWC is acknowledged for using evidence-based practices for healthier behavioral changes and transformational leadership development in taking massive actions to illustrate empathy, caring, being promotive of people, and supporting anyone unconditionally to experience an improved quality of life.
Together, we bring forth different observers with new eyes (lens), new conversations, and healthier habits. BMWC facilitates a process of educational services, coupled with an innovative peer mentoring model.
Wali Mutazammil
President and Chief Executive Officer
Behavioral and Mental Wellness Coaching, Inc.
BMWC's holistic strength-based approaches for the
self-empowerment of adolescents, adults, and persons with disabilities to take ownership of their lives and promote their own wellness, discovery, and healing are unparalleled. In addition, working with senior executives, social workers, behavioral health professionals, academicians, and students and law enforcement officers to identify supportive resources in the domains of community life.
BMWC's consumers learn to use the evidence-based wellness framework "RAP FIRST (Real-time Access Programming)" practices through a peer-led and peer-engaged group process that progresses in three distinct phases: 1) a peer-delivered introductory session in which participants learn about RAP FIRST and become engaged; 2) three consecutive days to explore peer-led RAP First development sessions that are six hours per day; and 3) ongoing RAP FIRST support groups. Experts estimate that up to one quarter of the mental health workforce will be staffed by peer specialists by 2030 (Manderscheid, 2019).

There have been many research studies conducted across the United States and around the world on self-management. The evidence clearly demonstrates that participation in evidence-based peer support services groups can help individuals achieve positive self-management of their lives (Buffington, 2003; Allot, et al. 2002; Scottish Centre for Social Research & Pratt, R. 2010).